Solid foundation, straight walls, properly installed roof!


+47 99867224

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Working hours

Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00

If you are planning the construction of your new house, adaptation of the building for business or a reconstruction of the old apartment, we will comprehensively help You in this very important phase. Everybody can hang a painting or disassemble an old closet, but to properly lay a roof or to bricklay a wall there is a need for knowledge, experience and competency. Such construction works are performed rarely, some of the once in a life time, and the quality of Your future life and work depends on the mastery of the performance thereof, therefore it is very important that those works be performed by the professionals who know their field and have proper qualification to perform the construction works.

We are a construction company with a long-term experience that employs only experienced employees, who can perform the most complex works. Construction works that we perform often start from the initial and the most important phase of the house, casting of foundation, and ends with the delivery of a key to the client.

Construction works that we perform

 Casting of foundation

 Assembly of the frame

 Bricklaying for walls

 Roof constructions
